Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Post production reflection

Screenplay Reflection

Production set up reflection

Post production set- up reflection

The corridor:

for the first day of our production, we used the school corridor to film the first bit of the scene. the first thing we did was chose a suitable corridor in our school that was empty and useable. this corridor was the humanities corridor which was located in the middle of the school. once we found the corridor that we were going to use, we looked for he most convenience time to record it and that was during a lesson time, therefore we quickly grabbed our camera and recording stuff and started filming it. the first thing did was set up our camera in a angle where the shots were most clear, and in the right position. we filmed a shot that covered the whole scene because we wanted everything to be shown in one scene instead of multiple ones. the only difficulties we faced during this time was when we were trying to find the right equipment and when we were trying to set the camera in the right position.

The stairs:

the second scene that we filmed was the scene where the stairs was being used, ad this was being used to show how the protagonist was getting followed by the antagonist. the first thing we had to make sure that was fine was that we were allowed to use the stairs, and to make sure no-one was there, if there was people present then we had to wait for people to leave in order for us to use it. by using the stairs, it helped us a lot because the stairs made the whole scene come together and it looked realistic. the only difficulties we faced during the filming was when the stairs were occupied, this was mainly at lunchtime and break because most people used to walk there or even when people were going to their lesson, therefore in order to prevent this we had to film this scene after school where there was no-one there and it was empty.

The corridor leading to the dark room:

we filmed the same scenes on the same day because all of our scenes were in a school. the first thing we did to film the next scene was to go to the location, and that was the science department, because in the afternoon the science department tends to get dark, so that was the perfect place to film our opening sequence, for this we had to make sure that the corridor was quiet and no-one was there, we wanted that to be a place where it would sound/feel scary, therefore in order to make sure that happened we had to make sure that we filed in in the afternoon, so after lunch time we went to the department (during last lesson) and filled the scene. the only time we faced difficulties when filming the scene was when the corridors lights kept Turing on by itself, this was because the lights had censers, and in order to stop that from happening we had to make sure that we asked the science department to turn off the censers.


  we filmed this scene after school after the previous scene we did because we wanted everything to be done before hand and we anted it to be correct so that we didn't have to worry about filming the next day. for this scene we used the corridor because at the beginning of the opening sequence the antagonist was following the protagonist through the corridors and this specific corridor was really long therefore we had more scenes covered in it, on the other hand the only difficulties with this scene was to capture the correct moment for example when we were recording the characters playing part in the scene were walking at random times and not when I told them to therefore it took us more than 5 tries to get the right scene and the right camera angle.

Annotated Screenplay

Production Log - Week 14

Production Log - Week 13

Production Log - Week 12

Post production reflection